Thursday, May 31, 2012

End of School

The end of the school year always brings mixed emotions.  Lots of feelings of not believing that my little girl is growing up so fast, how is she going to be in K4 next year?!, and of am I going to entertain her all summer?!!!  :)  Brooke was sad that school was ending because she loved her classmates and we will hopefully still see them throughout the summer. But, she is really excited to have the summer to do other things and spend lots of time at the pool!  Her school had a Mothers Day program and an end of school picnic.  I love her school so much and am excited for both of the girls to be there together next year!! I know Presley is going to love it just as much as her sister does.

 Brooke and her classmates singing a Mother's Day song!
 Before her last day of school!
Video of her and her class singing!

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