Here are some new things going on with our little sunshine:
- She is now walking and loving every minute of it. I'll post a video soon of her cruising around. I absolutely love watching her...Scott and I could watch her all day long.
- Foods she is now loving- cottage cheese, cereal bars, yogurt, bananas, goldfish, and string cheese. I cannot say the word "fish" without her having a meltdown for her goldfish.
- She would take a bath all day long if I let her. When we walk up the stairs, she constantly says "bath, bath, bath"
- She is learning how to manipulate me. Yep...already. She knows what she shouldn't be doing and will look at me with a smirk on her face and do it anyways.
- We are working on sharing and not pulling hair/hitting at the moment. She is getting upset when Melaina touches something she is playing with and keeps pulling her hair. Not fun. I'm learning how to deal with it.
- She gives me big, wet kisses on the mouth now. I love it...especially when Daddy doesn't wipe her face after she eats. :)
- She is fascinated with tennis balls and she and Roxy go back and forth with them. We trust Roxy enough to let Brooke take the balls out of Roxy's mouth and then throw it for her.
- In the bathtub, she has discovered that she can see herself in the faucet. I have to get her on video because she does the chicken dance motion and smiles at herself the whole time. Cutest thing I've ever seen.
- She has 3 teeth now with more coming in.
- Favorite words right now: More, Mama, Dadda, ball, book, night-night, bath, backpack, and juice.
- When we're outside, she waves to every car that goes by. People are always shocked when they see her waving at them.
- She is really loving her books. Her favorite one now is a jungle book that shows lots of different animals that she can touch.
- I have a bad obsession with shoes for her. I counted today and she has 19 pairs. I know, I need to stop. I think I need help.
- She still takes her pacifier only when she sleeps. Hopefully one of these days she'll say bye-bye to it because she continuously throws it out of her crib. Every day I am searching throughout her room for where she threw it.
- She is very attached to Scott and I right now. I love this little girl more than I can ever express in words.
September/October 2024
3 months ago