The last weekend of January I headed to Orlando to see my best friends from college. As one of my Christmas presents, Scott surprised me with a trip to see my gals! I couldn't believe I would be kid-free for 3 days! Oh, don't get me wrong.... of course I missed the kiddos but OHHHHHH.... it was great to just chill out with my ladies!! We all met that Friday night (Cori came from Ft. Lauderdale and Patty came from Naples) at Brooke's house. We caught up and played with Brooke's daughter, Emily. She is such a cutie pie and so much fun to play with! Scott and Justin (Brooke's husband) were so sweet and surprised us with a hotel room for Saturday night! WOOT WOOT! Saturday, we got up at breakfast and headed off. We got mani's/pedi's, sat outside for lunch (it was beautiful the whole weekend), went to the hotel and hung out, went out to a great dinner, and headed out to have some fun in downtown Orlando. I cannot tell you the last time I got home at 2am! Sunday we got up and went out to breakfast, went to a movie, went for a long walk, and made dinner. Ahhhhh...... SO relaxing!! Thanks girls for such a great weekend. I miss you everyday. Scott and the girls had a great time and I just felt so rejuvanated! Thanks again babe, you're the best. :)

The four of us Sophomore year of college....

The four of us 12 years later!!

We were thrilled we got ID'd at the club. :)

Emily piling on the bags!!

Having fun with Em.